Hi. I'm Amanda...a happy wife and mom to three awesome guys. We've lived here in Fort Collins for more than 20 years and are proud to call it home. Before moving to CO, I worked at a city attorney's office, making use of my law and Master's degrees from Duke. After settling in Fort Collins, I homeschooled my three (now teenage and older) sons and was delighted to experience music classes, soccer, karate, swim team, archery, Science Olympiad, First Lego League, parkour, and climbing (not all at the same time!). From 2005-10, I was also a contributing editor for a national scrapbooking magazine, authoring a book and a couple of monthly columns. From 2009-10, I founded and ran the Good Grief Blog. I enjoy learning new things, spending time with my family, volunteering with The Matthews House, traveling and indoor rock climbing.

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Thankful Thursday

Today's Thankful Thursday is brought to you by Nathan...it's his birthday today! We don't have any big celebration plans because...we celebrated some while in Idaho, we've got a fun thing planned for next month, and the birthday gift I had planned for this year ended up getting canceled by Covid (tickets to a Yo Yo Ma concert down in Denver). ;) Anyhow. We've got a cake here that Noah made and will order a special take out dinner tonight. Join me in wishing him a happy birthday virtually! He's so very appreciated here for all that he does...from the big things like providing for us all and feeding us to the small things like reaching things up high. :) 

Another reason we're not doing anything big tonight is that the past week has been pretty full, lol. We spent last Thursday catching up and doing laundry and restocking things. Friday, we had eye appointments, Micah had a friend's birthday party (outdoor AirSoft so everyone was masked and distanced the entire time for survival, lol), and Asher and Micah both had another friend's birthday party that night (outdoor projected movie in a backyard). Thankful for finding ways to enjoy friends while staying responsible and safe in these pandemic times!

Saturday, Micah had the second day of his drive camp. This one focused even more on skid training, spin control, crash avoidance and emergency situations and decision making. Asher and I got to ride along with him at the end...

...as he went through the course a few times. And then they gathered to finish up:

Thankful for this program and the confidence it's inspired in our boys, along with the security we feel in knowing we're preparing them as best we can to be responsible drivers. 

Monday, then, Micah and I took another road trip. Back at the start of July-ish, I suddenly realized that we wouldn't be able to just walk into our local DMV to get Micah's permit on or after his birthday. Given Covid, the offices that had opened back up here are only taking appointments for certain services (including, of course, drivers permits). When I checked to make an appointment, I discovered that we couldn't get in before the end of September anywhere nearby (within a couple hours). I had a pretty sad boy. 

So. Because I'm awesome like that and because it was his birthday (and maybe also because if he isn't able to get his permit until the end of September then he can't get his license until the end of September 2021...and with Asher off to college next fall, I'd be the one who'd have to drive Micah everywhere, lol)...I checked every DMV in the state and found that I could get him in down in Lamar, CO...a mere four hours away. ;) 

And so we drove to Lamar on Monday. We packed ourselves lunches and ate in the parking lot when we got there...went inside and did what needed doing...and drove home, arriving at dinner time. Micah even drove the first hour on the way home to start logging the required drive time. :) So, thankful for Lamar for being a not very desirable location such that I could get an appointment. Apparently, they've been seeing mostly people from far away, as the situation is playing out across the state. The ladies there seemed fairly happy about being busy.

Micah's permit should arrive in the mail soon, and I've scheduled his three on-street driving sessions with MasterDrive for the coming months. 

And then, as I've already posted, school started Tuesday. Boys seem to have mostly worked out the kinks in the system and are successfully logging in to their classes and completing homework. Thankful that the transition to synchronous classes is taking place this week and next so they can sort out all the technology stuff before also having to figure out how to wake up for their 7:50am classes, lol. (Synchronous classes are ones that will be live at the assigned class time. Asynchronous classes will be recorded such that students can watch that material whenever they're able.)

Lots of other little things happening around here and getting crossed off the lists. Feeling like we're in a bit of a transition period as things are starting up and getting sorted out. I'm looking forward to a couple weeks from now when all three boys' will have all their classes going...when Noah will be in his new apartment...when the next climbing season and schedule will be sorted out...stuff like that. Whew.

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