
Yesterday I continued my tradition of taking leaf pictures with my boys. It makes me happy. :)
We started with the somewhat now obligatory "pile of leaves and then throwing leaves at each other" pictures. We also jumped...
Yes, the younger two thought Noah should do his jumping with one of them on his back. Unsurprisingly, it worked better when Micah was the one on his back, lol.
And then I asked the boys to each find me the most beautiful fall leaf so I could take some individual shots. They didn't look very hard for beautiful leaves. ;) But, they cooperated enough that I got shots of each of them. (Asher's "leaf" shots involved weirder than normal pictures...which is fine...but I ended up preferring this solo shot of him from a bit later in the walk.)
And then I decided I needed a picture of me jumping with the boys like last year. (And Noah decided he was done being in pictures at this point, lol.)
After that, we continued walking over to the neighborhood park. The boys had brought along wiffle bats and balls and proceeded to challenge each other with who could hit it furthest and fastest and other such challenges. On the walk home, Asher was simply, thoroughly, delighted with his solution to carrying the gear...
And that was our annual leaf walk. :)

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