New word

We're still in the first half of January, so it's okay that I haven't announced my word of the year yet, right? :)
Before I get into my new word, I want to take a moment to reflect on my word from last year. Last year's word was "lighten." To be honest, I wasn't thrilled with it to start didn't feel as solid as past words. But. It totally worked. :) I lightened our home with some great purging...I lightened our homeschooling with some reevaluation of purpose...I hope I lightened the load for friends and family by helping out and setting that example for my boys...and I lightened myself, by more than 25 pounds! (insert small happy dance here, lol)
So. Starting from there, my word for 2016 is in make it count. (Yes, it's been pointed out to me that I could simply choose a phrase instead of a single word but I just can't seem to make myself do it, lol.) I want to make 2016 count. I'm realizing, you see, that my guys are growing up on me. We only have two more summers before Noah graduates, for crying out loud! (at which point, we'll also have a sixteen and a thirteen year old...oy!) So, here's to not just going through the motions for the sake of checking something off my's to prioritizing and doing and choosing things that's to making it count.
Reader Comments (1)
I love it : ) Also, I can't believe your boys are so old. GAH.