Teen number two

Today's the day! We officially have TWO teenagers now! Yup, Asher turned the big thirteen today. Crazy. ;) When he woke up this morning, the first thing he said to me (after I'd wished him a happy birthday, of course) was, "Thank you for making me!" Awwww. :)
Asher opted to not have a party this year, so we're just celebrating at home. We started with some pictures this morning...here's Asher and me (so that I have a pre-growth spurt picture--I missed that step with Noah, lol):
...and Micah didn't want to be left out...
After pictures, we headed inside to open gifts. Here's Asher enthusiastically thanking Noah after opening the gift from him:
(Noah's thrilled, can you tell?)
And here's the "big gift" that Asher got from us (in lieu of a party):
It's a "brick" of HeroClix figures...50 altogether. I don't really get it at all, but the boys very much enjoy playing HeroClix and this made Asher pretty darn happy.
And, unlike his much more serious big brother, Asher couldn't decide on just one expression for his "official" birthday picture:
(That second from the top on the right is Asher trying to channel his inner Noah and act like a teenager. It lasted about 1.3 seconds, lol.)
As for thirteen things about my Asher, my list from two years ago still holds true. I think the only thing that isn't true is that he didn't request devil's food cake this year. :) Oh, and he's more likely to be found playing the piano on his own than drums or guitar on his own. I'd add to the list that he's crazy about Minecraft, gymnastics, HeroClix and disturbing his brothers with his wackadoodle antics. Also, he's pretty interested lately in world records...he'd really like to set one.
So. That's that. We'll be going out in a bit for a birthday lunch and all three boys will be headed to their weekly HeroClix tournament thing later tonight. That will be followed by a cookie cake and bed. Easy-peasy.
And that's my Asher!

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