
Love 'em. Will be spending a good bit of time over the next couple weeks watching them (and have adjusted our homeschooling schedule the ability to do that!). ;)
Since we don't have cable or satellite, though, we're actually watching the BBC coverage of events online. I wasn't so sure how this would go but am finding it to work rather well. So far, here are the benefits we've found:
- Given the time difference, we've been watching during the morning/early afternoon...leaving our evenings still free, which is nice. (Live coverage happens at this time of day, though we still have the option of watching the broadcasts later...either the live versions or summarized pieces.)
- I got to do another impromptu lesson on time differences, lol.
- I also got to do reminder lessons on converting metric to US measurements. ;)
- We've been very much enjoying listening to the British announcers (and explaining some of their lingo to the boys, lol).
- The whole experience is less US-centric than is normal for us, which is lovely. I think it's great for the boys to get to see from another point of view (particularly since historically they've been rather overly patriotic).
- No commercials. ;)
And that's what we've been enjoying about our Olympic experience so far.

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