
On Saturday we upheld tradition and went on our 10th annual leaf walk. (To see all of our previous years, look here and here.)
In consideration of Noah's teenage angst and a general non-cooperation amid the trees and leaves in our neighborhood (leaves changing color too quickly, falling and then being too promptly collected by our lovely neighborhood groundskeepers), I did offer up the option of simply taking some pictures. The younger two boys promptly and pointedly nixed that idea, as our leaf walks are something they love and look forward to. :)
So. After we'd all reconvened following various errands, we headed out. The younger two and I had scoped out a few trees that had very recently dropped some leaves...where the groundskeepers hadn't already scooped them up. We raked up a modest pile and let the younger two loose...
Can't you just feel the joy?! :) After a few rounds of that, we had our obligatory "throw leaves at each other now" session...
(I didn't manage any better pictures of Noah than this since the younger two kept ganging up to throw leaves at him, such that he wasn't really visible, lol.)
...and then we continued to the park where we played some kickball...enjoying the gorgeous fall weather as Noah totally cheated and tackled me to keep me from advancing the bases. ;) But. I got to document another year of leaf walk happiness, so we're all winners. :)

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