Five on Friday

1. I've survived two weeks of boot camp now. (Yay, me!!) Don't ask me to lift or hold anything for you today or tomorrow, though. My arms are noodles. ;)
2. Micah's making great progress at his swim lessons. It's really rather amazing to watch. I should have taken video at the start of the summer so he could see the progress. (Of course, this is not to say that we're ready to be done with swim lessons just yet, lol. I anticipate at least one more summer of lessons to firm up Micah's abilities and get him to a point where he can actually tread water and not just float on his back. It would also be dandy if we could get to a point of self-awareness...such that he could recognize on his own when he's actually doing what the instructor is asking and when he's, um, not. But. He's doing it with a smile.)
3. On Monday, I went to an awesome (and free) Mother Runner Party down in Denver with my pal Molly. We had a great time and got pretty fabulous goodie bags. Some of the items I was most excited about:
- free socks (three pair!) from Sof Sole
- a tube of Nuun electrolyte drink tablets (to date, I've just done the water route but I'm actually stoked to give these a try...especially with more summer running and working out)
- plenty of goodies from Hylands (Hylands also makes the miracle teething tablets and motion sickness tablets that we've sworn by, but I honestly didn't realize they make things for leg cramps and colds, too)
- a whole jar of chocolate Nuttzo spread (omg...seriously excited about this one, as I got Asher to eat it spread on a bagel and that's huge! The more opportunities to get actually nutritious things into him the better! I'm told the owner of this brand got started after adopting two boys who had only ever eaten porridge...this was her attempt to get them more nutritious food without completely taking their systems by storm. Awesome.)
- a sample of Skinfare (after reading more about this, I totally want a tube of each! I tried some on mosquito bites last night and was delighted when it truly did stop the itching! It also healed up (overnight) a couple blisters I'd gotten. Can't wait to see what else I can use it for!)
There were plenty of other goodies, too (many of which I already use or have used) and lots of prizes and chatting and food and wine. Altogether, awesome. :)
4. Another great thing that came out of the Mother Runner Party was motivation. We were all asked to put our name and a goal on our name tags and some of those got shared during the presentation. One woman is aiming to run 40 races in her 40th year...another is aiming to run 40 races by her 40th birthday. While Molly and I both realized that we probably can't make either of those things happen for ourselves, making out a list of 40 things to tackle (not necessarily just race related) before our 40th birthdays seems like a pretty darn good idea. I'm working on it and will share soon. ;)
5. Yes, we're back at our last session of homeschooling for this academic year. July's pretty light, though, as we're focusing on just finishing up certain curricula. I'm getting ready to do my somewhat annual posts about our curriculum plan for the coming year...stay tuned.
Reader Comments (1)
Those sticks look cool. I use a variety of Essential Oils (which is what it looks like those are) to cure many ailments -(especially skin stuff). It is AMAZING how well they work.