Our low key Easter

Had a lovely day yesterday...
...I went for a run in the sunshine before everyone else was up and about...
...boys got their baskets...
(We went for a bathroom theme this year...new towels, tubs for each boy's "stuff," toothbrush and heads, etc. We also threw in some Harry Potter goodies, which the boys loved! (chocolate frogs with wizard cards and every flavor beans...which Micah is actually trying and reporting on while Noah laughs, lol.))
...and then...
...we headed up to Whole Foods to enjoy their lovely Easter brunch (yummy!) and get some pretty flowers...
...we had our egg hunt, continuing last year's tradition of hiding numbered eggs filled with supplies (where each boy had to find only one set of numbers...which led to many minutes of searching for the last egg until Noah finally realized he'd already found it, lol)...
...and then used those supplies along with the rolls of duct tape in each boy's basket to create our egg drop devices...
...and then dropped those egg drop devices out front (Nathan "cheated" and made a long duct tape rope to drop the egg but actually mismeasured such that the egg still thwacked against the ground...but miraculously survived intact. Asher's egg also somehow survived the drop. Micah's and mine did not. ;) Noah's device made from the provided supplies did not survive but the very simple one he made from just two pieces of paper and scotch tape did. It was actually pretty impressive given that the egg just sat naked in the cone, while the rest of the devices had the egg nestled in at least one of the plastic eggs with cotton balls or panty hose or balloons or such.)...
...and, we took some pictures. ;) (Notice, Micah opted not to wear his vest and tie, for fear that he'd get egg on it...but did wear the dress shoes we dug out recently for him, lol.)
We then tidied up a bit before taking a family walk over to the neighborhood park to throw a ball around:

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