By the numbers...

37 years. That's how old my lovely husband is today. We don't have any big plans but I'll try to take a picture later today. So very thankful he was born and that he's MINE. :)
1 happy boy...having performed with his Karate West demo team on Sunday at Fort Collins' New West Fest:
Asher was in five different routines (of the dozen or so that were performed) and did a fabulous job. The team was awesome to watch! I'm continually impressed by how many routines Asher (and all his teammates) can keep straight. :)
13.1 miles completed. Molly talked me into doing the Georgetown to Idaho Springs half marathon on Saturday. We ended up taking our time and chatting (a lot, lol) so didn't set any sorts of speed records but got to spend a wonderful morning 8000+ feet with some gorgeous scenery. So, that makes two half marathons for me...and everyone knows that one half plus one half equals a whole, right? ;)
That's all for now. ;)

Reader Comments (2)
Happy Birthday to Natihan! And CONGRATS on your 2nd half!!! I am so proud of you! My funnest race was when I walked with my cousin - the time went by quickly, and I had the best day ever. So happy you could share the day with your friend. :)
Happy birthday to Nathan. Can't believe it's been 37 years! mom