
Last week, my dear friend Deanna gifted me with a lovely Liebster award.
As per Deanna: The Liebster Award is a blog award given to bloggers with less that 200 followers with blogs of note. The title, Liebster, is a German word translating roughly to 'favorite.'
I'm giddy. ;) I think all stay at home moms crave any little piece of recognition, right? So. Many thanks to Deanna for thinking of me (and for many, many other things)!
The other part of the award is to pay it forward to three of my own favorite blogs. After much deliberation, I decided on three blogs that I greatly admire for their honesty. I love that all three of these ladies keep it real and write about stuff that's actually happening in their lives, not just the highlights and happy moments. Seriously. I so appreciate that! I know I don't always manage that here on my own blog, but reading theirs makes me feel "normal" and reminds me to treasure the little things. So...Kirsten, Marti and Tania...come on down! ;) (Check out their blogs. Really. Plus, every so often, they post awesome tips or recommendations that truly can make a difference!)

Reader Comments (2)
OMGosh! Thank you so, so much. I feel so honored... and humbled. :)
Wow, Amanda!!! Thank you so much!!!! What a lovely surprise!