Glass is awesome.

Popping in quickly to share about the cool glass studio class that Nathan and I took last Monday (12/5) while the boys were at Options. Thanks to a handy Groupon deal, we got a good price on a private lesson at Daggett Glass Studio. We each got to make a glass paperweight...
The owner helped us (me, in particular, lol) with gathering the glass and talked us through the process...which involved constant twirling (to keep the ball centered), rolling in baking soda (that's what creates the awesome bubbles inside), tapping in color (Nathan's green was more granular than my shimmery gold topaz), blocking into shape and heating repeatedly. Here's the result:
All in all, it was a fabulous little experience and taste of just how complicated working with glass is. I have a whole new appreciation for all things glass and was stoked to learn that our local art museum has a fabulous glass exhibit opening soon. (Snagged some tickets already!) Looking forward to checking it out over the holidays!

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