The day before the snow...

Taking a step backward, here's what we were doing the day *before* the snow:
Yup, we took our annual "leaf walk" around our neighborhood and made ourselves a pile of leaves to jump in...and bury people in...and throw. ;) Since Nathan was working from home that day, he joined us and came in handy for raking (and re-raking) the pile...and got buried for his troubles, lol. Here are some of my favorites:
(Click to make any of these larger.)
For all that Noah proclaimed himself too old to go on our leaf walks any more, he had a blast. (Note, looking at yesterday's post, he also is apparently not too old to enjoy making snow angels, lol.) I think his enthusiasm was bolstered by not needing to do all the raking alone (since Nathan joined us) and by coming up with the brilliant idea of stuffing handfuls of leaves actually up Nathan's jacket instead of merely burying him. ;)
If you were keeping track, yes, this isn't the almost 80 degree weather of Monday. Though it was gorgeous Tuesday morning and sunny and warm, the storm started coming in after lunch so that it was getting chilly when we ventured out. (But we were determined, knowing that we'd lose our chance if we waited.) We're thankful, too, that we opted to do our fall yard clean up stuff last weekend. Yay, us!

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