Welcome spring!

Aside from the forecast snow later this week, we've had pretty gorgeous weather here this winter. It was just plain odd to have the boys riding their bikes in January. Regardless of how mild our winter has been, though, our family has had an informal tradition to welcome spring...going to the park and feeding the geese. I didn't even realize it until a year or so ago, but almost every March since moving to Colorado almost seven years ago has found us taking the boys to the park and feeding the geese. This year was no exception.
We didn't manage to go on the actual first day of spring, but close enough. This past Saturday we headed to our favorite goose feeding park. The boys, out of tradition, brought goldfish crackers to feed the geese (and themselves). The geese weren't as brave as years past (they didn't wander out of the water after us) so the boys simply did their bit and we headed to the playground. :) Here's a picture:
And, because I haven't in a bit...a few closeups of my beautiful boys...first, here's my sweet Asher...I love the sincerity in his face when I catch him like this:
Next my Noah, who's growing up right before my eyes...he was irked with me for interrupting him:
And, finally, my Micah...who's been talking my ear off of late and is just so dang cute:
So. Do you celebrate the start of spring? How?

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