New Year's Resolutions

Yes. I'm aware that it's August and not January. But. A couple of things have me really treating this as a new year.
First, and somewhat obviously, a new school year is starting. With two school age kids now, that seems to be more significant than the calendar year. (Actually, the public schools here started this past Monday...crazy early if you ask me. :) We won't "officially" be starting until after Labor Day.)
Second, having just observed the first anniversary of my dad's death, I've been doing some soul searching...asking myself if I'm really living the life I want to be remembered for...if I'm putting my energies into my priorities rather than being distracted by inconsequential things. What I've found is that there are definitely adjustments I'd like to make to my life. And I'm excited about it! :)
In the spirit of motivation through making things public, here is a quick run down of what I'm hoping to tackle in the coming year:
1. Establishing (and sticking to) an exercise routine. I want to be around for a good long while and know that if I continue to put off getting in better shape, it will only get harder. :) Besides, these boys are persistent in their requests that I play soccer in the front yard with them, LOL! I'm feeling pretty proud of myself in that I've actually been doing this for the last month or two...going to the gym 2-3 times a week and getting some cardio (usually elliptical) in at home on the other days. Still working on how this is going to work with our busier fall schedule...
2. Establishing (and sticking to) a homeschool routine. Yes, we've been homeschooling for a couple/few years now. But, I feel like this past year in particular I've not been as diligent as I'd like in our lessons...not only in simply doing them but in making them more memorable and fun. I'm committed to doing better this year and in those to follow. And I have some plans up my sleeve... :)
3. Teach myself to enjoy meal planning and preparation. Ugh. Anyone who knows me knows I hate to cook and am not overly concerned with what I eat. But. Given that whole exercise routine thing and becoming healthier overall, doing better with meal planning seemingly must be a part of that. Plus, I really should do better with balanced meals and all for the boys. Hmmm. We'll see how this one goes. ;)
4. Create a home worthy of childhood memories. Our home is pretty plain. What we love about our house is the location and the floor plan. We've always had intentions, though, of redoing the floors and the walls and the landscaping... Still not quite time yet for any of those. In the meantime, though, I've been unconsciously waiting to add anything else to our real decor or furniture or plan. So our home remains rather basic and plain. I've decided, now, to start doing more about that...probably still nothing huge, but little touches will make a difference.
So. That's that. Nothing earth-shattering or anything...just a renewed commitment to getting life headed in the direction I want. Now you know. :)
Reader Comments (1)
I totally agree with this being New year's. I treat it the same way. I set my goals at this time for the next year and one of mine is also to stop living for the future and live in the moment and that means filling our home with stuff we love and stop waiting to paint, etc. I'm glad I am not the only one!