Just for kicks...

Yes, I'm on the tail end of April Fool's Day. These past few years it's really snuck up on me, and I'm sad to say that I haven't pulled any good pranks for years now either. Poo. Maybe next year?
In any case, just for kicks, here are a dozen random statements. Most of them are true. Three are not.
1. Our van broke down yesterday and was the cause of our longest Target visit ever. (Three hours on my own, I could probably handle...three hours with three boys, not so much.)
2. I still bite my nails, though I've tried many times to stop.
3. Asher fell out of our borrowed rig this afternoon and ripped his pants.
4. Page 73 of the May issue of Creating Keepsakes features an article I wrote that is dear to my heart. (The website "extra" material that goes with the article isn't up yet.)
5. I managed to finish 32 layouts during March, many of which had been in my to do pile for ages and I'm just happy to have them done. ;)
6. We filed our taxes yesterday.
7. I actually used the elliptical machine yesterday!
8. Micah just got done informing me that the picture of a dentist on his new toothbrush is a "bad guy." (All three had check ups earlier today and let's just say that Micah was not thrilled. This is actually his third visit, but the last time was to fill two cavities, so he had not great memories. Today, he actually spit on the dentist.)
9. I finally labeled all my wooden drawers that hold my loose alphabets!
10. This gave me a headache (only because I kept watching and watching and then asking the boys to watch). Try it and tell me what you see!
11. I have numerous frames up around my house that don't have any pictures in them yet...and haven't for years. Yes, embarrassing. One day I'll do something about it. Really.
12. I had pizza for dinner tonight.
So, which three aren't true? And what do you see on number 10? :)

Reader Comments (11)
I guess that 6, 7, and 11 are not true. I'm pretty certain about #11 since I've been to your house many times and not seen empty frames, just lots of frames with beautiful little boys and many family members and friends in them. I simply don't get #10.
Cool link! I could see the lady going both ways. My guess is you didn't do # 6, 7 and 12. I know you bite your nails (like me), hate to exercise (like me) and it wouldn't surprise me to hear you tell me that one child fell out of car, another child spit on a dentist, you were forced to shop at Target for 3 hours and you whippped out an insane number of layouts in a short amount of time.
Do I get a prize if I am correct?
I Can only see the dancer going clockwise, and i'm trying with all my might to see it counter and can't. that's frustrating. and whichever 3 aren't true, that's still an impressive list! maybe i need to start making lists like that(i might feel more accomplished) :)
Hi Amanda! I see her going both directions.
I'm going with 2, 9, and 11.
6,7, and 11 - I didn;t remember seeing empty frames, and while 6 & 7 certainly could be true, the rest of the option moset certainly sound like you or one of your stories, so I'm sticking with that.
I see the dancer going anti-clockwise. Annoying that I can't make her go the other way {laugh}. I KNOW I'm detail oriented, but logical instead of emotional? You'll make my husband laugh!
that's really weird. she's going clockwise to me. and i can't make her stop.
and then all of the sudden, she started going counter clockwise. and then clockwise, and then counter. it's totally freaky! my dh, who is a scientist, saw her going clockwise until he stared long enough, then he said she was going counter. right after he said that i could see it. then she flipped back. totally cool!
I'm going to guess 3, 9 and 11.
Okay, I'm going to guess #2, #6 and #9.
I saw her going clockwise - except if I looked at just through the corner of my eye (looking away) then she switched. Crazy!
hmmm- today she is going clockwise for me. Still can't make her switch though.
and I'll change my guess to 1, 3, and 11
Hi! Just got the CK with your article--really great article and can clearly tell you poured your heart into it. It really inspires me to get some scrapping done - both to commemorate those important people who aren't with us, but also to celebrate those that still are. Thanks for sharing!