Ten on Tuesday

1. Bullet dodged. ;) Just had our regular check-in with the orthodontist for both Micah and Asher today. Both are doing fine, and apparently Asher's not quite ready for braces yet. For him, this is awesome news. :) He has at least six more months to prepare himself mentally.
2. During that time, he needs to lose the last four baby teeth. The orthodontist actually ended up pulling one of Asher's teeth today since it was more than ready to come out and had already split into two. Asher wasn't thrilled but I'll definitely take it...free extraction and no worries about it coming out in pieces unexpectedly, lol.
3. In case you were wondering, yes, Micah's still working on his haiku book. He's now decided to illustrate it as well so is working on that. :) (Pretty proud of him...he's even looking up online tutorials on how to draw certain things.)
4. Speaking of Micah's haiku book, he's serious. He wants to publish it and sell it and everything. So. Anyone have any experience publishing things with Lulu? From my minimal searching, they seem to offer the cheapest option for a black/white small softcover book. I've not used them before, though, and may use Blurb instead (since I have had things printed through them before and been quite happy). Any other recommendations are also quite welcome!
5. Asher and Micah both received SOAR awards at the Options award ceremony yesterday. SOAR is the program's action statement and stands for Safety, Ownership, Achievement and Respect. Teachers selected a student in each of their classes who particularly exhibited these characteristics.
6. I need this top today. :) (Yeah, boot camp was rough yesterday. Methinks it may have had something to do with the fact that my instructor's triathalon was cancelled. It was supposed to be on Sunday but was cancelled due to the snow...so he wasn't all worn out and had extra energy to work off, lol.)
7. For the record, this is our last "off" week of our homeschooling year. We'll do another six weeks after this then have a longer break for summer before starting up again mid-August.
8. During this week, I'm working on planning out our remaining weeks (which will be a good bit lighter than the last five sessions of six weeks each because I'm realistic like that, lol). Thoughts of the coming year are also percolating and taking form...annual homeschool review/plan posts to come...
9. Also, we're trying to tackle some yard work now that the snow is gone again. Will post pictures as things actually happen. Right now, we have a starting point and an initial plan...and the knowledge that there are plenty of unknowns still. :)
10. Btw, I'm still totally in love with my new bedroom. :) Seriously. Nathan and I sometimes wake up and just sit in the sunshine and discuss how much we love our renewed bedroom. Happy!
Okay, off to pick up Noah from swim team then do some reading with boys after dinner. Hope your week is off to a lovely start!
Reader Comments (1)
I am glad you dodged the bullet - for now, and I just love the way Dr. Ebert handles things. She is so awesome.